MBS Graduation 2022
We had our bible college graduation after four years because of COVID - 19. All the students from fo..........
Established in the year 1982 with a God given vision, the ministry of Maranatha Visvasa Samajam was started by Pastor Moses Choudary Gullapalli with a unique strategy to reach the unreached people groups in India in the context of their culture. With over 52 years of ministerial experience, and a heart burning for the lost, poor, and hurting. Pastor Choudary is a graduate of Lee College with B.S. in Biblical Studies, and of Church of God Theological Seminary with MA in Missiology. Today, this ministry has 140 Pastors & about 200 Churches, 3 Bible Schools training young men and women for the ministry. Three Children Homes with 275 boys & girls from orphan, poor, and needy backgrounds, an Asram caring for the widows & destitute. A Monthly Magazine in Telugu language and a Television Ministry to reach the unreached millions in the 10-40 window.
We had our bible college graduation after four years because of COVID - 19. All the students from fo..........
We all want to make our world better and peaceful, but we also have to support those unable to get s..........
Regional Directors Siripurapu Silas Prakash & Padma moved to Visakha, the beach city, fourte..........